Enjoying the Journey: Why achieving your goals is about more than just the end result

I love helping people to work out what they want in life, set goals and help them achieve those goals. I’m a sucker for goals in my personal life too, I always have goals I’m working on, and really enjoy turning a dream into a plan, that becomes my reality.

But you know what? The more I tick off those goals, the more I'm realising — it's not just about the end result. I’m learning to appreciate the journey — the messy, beautiful, and sometimes confusing adventure.

Here's why enjoying the journey is a game-changer:

1. Opportunities to Grow 🌱

Setting goals isn’t just about reaching that finish line; it’s a playground for personal growth. Sometimes, you’ll face challenges that feel like scaling a mountain. But guess what? That is where the lessons are, where you learn to persevere, adapt, and maybe even reroute your plans. Embrace the growth spurt!

2. The Unexpected Twists 🔄

Ever worked super hard to achieve a goal you believed was a thing that would make you happy, only to find yourself disappointed with the outcome? It happens. But sometimes on the journey to achieving your goal, other opportunities can present themselves - don’t be so fixed on the end result that you miss something amazing on the way - sometimes they’re the real gems!

3. Life Is Happening Now ⏰

It can be easy to place so much focus on the things you’re working towards, that you miss the things you already have today. One of the best things I’ve ever done is to develop a habit of noticing the things in my everyday life that I’m grateful for. I don’t have to wait until I achieve my goals to be happy - I can find joy along the way.

Top Tips to enjoying the Journey:

  • Celebrate the Small Wins: Why wait for the end result? Plan milestones along the way - mark these mini-wins, it can help keep the motivation flowing!

  • Gratitude Diary Magic: Acknowledge the amazing things you already have in your life. Jot down three things you're thankful for daily — big or small.

  • Stay Present: Goals are brilliant for providing direction but don’t fast-forward through today. Life is a collection of moments, make sure you're present for them. Mindfulness techniques can be really helpful for keeping you anchored in the now.

"Enjoy the journey, enjoy every moment, and quit worrying about winning and losing." — Matt Biondi

Remember, goals are brilliant, but life isn't a checklist — it’s a wild, unpredictable journey. Cherish it; it's your unique story. 🌟✨

Want some help remembering to enjoy the journey as you work to achieve your goals? Check out the 'Your Next 90 Days' planner, which has prompts to help you with goal setting, recording the things you’re grateful for and self-care reminders.

I love to find new ways to stay organised and conquer my to-do list to try and make life a bit more manageable. Follow me on Instagram if you're keen to find ways to bring more order to your days


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